Return & Refund

Cancellation/Return Policy


Oders may be canceled at any time prior to shipment of the product. Once the order is canceled, you will get the refund through the original payment route.

A restocking fee of 3.5% will be charged for any order canceled before shipment.

Cancellation of e-bike orders after shipment, a restocking fee of 13% will be charged, and the shipping freight cost will be on customer's own.


Returns (if applicable)

We accept returns on products within 7 calendar days of receipt. To be eligible for a return, the product must be in 100% new, re-sellable condition. Merchandise is not eligible for a refund if it has been assembled, ridden, worn, used, abused, or damaged in any way. The merchandise must arrive complete with manuals, accessories, tools, promotional material, less than 5 miles on the odometer and in the original packaging. The customer must initiate the return shipment within 7 calendar days after delivery and pay for the shipping cost to Addmotor warehouse located in Sydney, Australia. We will inspect the product within 5 days of receipt. If the returned products are not in original condition, we will refuse a refund. If the returned products are in original condition and the reason for the return is attributable to Addmotor, we will refund the full amount paid. If the reason for the return is attributable to the customer, we will deduct the shipping cost before issuing the refund.

*To be eligible for a return, please send specific images to our customer service team for approval. These should include ODO mileage and pictures of the frame, fender, handlebar, stem, front and rear baskets (if applicable), as well as any other parts or accessories.

Contact information:


* Annotation:


Reasons attributable to the customer if:


  • Placing the wrong order or purchasing an unwanted product.
  • Returning the product without approval from Addmotor.
  • The product is damaged during return shipping.


Reasons attributable to the Addmotor if:


  • An incorrect productwas shipped out;
  • A damaged or defectiveproduct was shipped;
  • The product was damaged during outbound shipping.


Refunds (if applicable)


Once we receive and inspect your return, we will email you to confirm receipt and inform you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed within 1 to 3 business days, and a credit will be applied to your original route of payment.


*If a refund hasn't been posted to your account, please first check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company because it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

Next, contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.

If you've done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at: